Mapping COVID-19 research in context

The highly complex issue of the COVID-19 epidemic is being studied by thousands of researchers around the world, who publish their research in qualified publications. The amount of professional and scientific information on coronavirus diseases is growing week by week, but much of the available knowledge is latent and fragmented. The ever-increasing amount of scientific knowledge poses fundamental information management challenges to the professional community. The COVID knowledge map and knowledge base platform have been set up to support the scientific and expert work needed to control the epidemic. The portal presents a systematic mapping and structuring of the multidisciplinary knowledge base related to the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as exploring the internal organization of this global knowledge asset. As a first step in the project, we collected published research results on COVID using specialized search strategies, relying on the constantly updated real-time Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed databases. Subsequently, we carried out a bibliometric analysis, as a result of which it is possible to find out which countries, which scientific community play a decisive role in generating the results achieved in different fields, the connection, how efficiently they search and find answers in different parts of the world. As a result of bibliometric mapping methods, the best and most effective practices related to COVID will become known, the defining research directions of each topic will be identified, and the most successful research communities and researchers will be identified. The platform demonstrates the organization of scientific knowledge related to COVID and how the literature base that can be linked to the pandemic as broadly as possible is being built. The knowledge map created as a result of the project combining bibliometric expertise and software engineering knowledge can be viewed on the public web application As part of the project, it will be possible to review and synthesize international best practices in COVID-related communication, healthcare logistics and patient care systems, and to make decision-making proposals. The first phase of the research intelligence system was implemented in cooperation with the voluntary academy of industry, Pro-Sharp Hungary Kft. And the Department of Science Analysis and Science Policy of the Library and Information Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Bibliometric mapping of the discourse on values in sport

  • Background:
    “Values in sport” is a theme of dual nature: on one hand, it is interpreted in the sport science community in a specific manner, as being related to the concepts of integrity and clean sport. On the other hand, it is a vaguely defined notion with broad disciplinary background, the latter involving psychology, philosophy and many other fields. However, seeking for codification of the content and professional foundations of this concept requires filling the gap between the narrow and the vague interpretation. This codification is unavoidable for policy makers, managers and other actors in the international arena of sport to support their organization activities.
  • Research goals:
    The main goal of the proposed research is to explore and uncover the scholarly discourse on “values in sport”, addressing the thematic and disciplinary complexities involved in the topic. The detailed objectives are (1) to identify the relevant corpus, including latent contributions to the topic as well, (2) to explore and map the internal thematic and institutional organization of the literature, and (3) to extract conceptual relationships (a concept map) that underlie the view on how sport value notions are being structured and connected.
  • Method:
    Uncovering the organization of the literature is a matter of the study of how documents are being related, given their topics, methods, authors, etc. Bibliometric methods are highly suited to uncover the large-scale patterns of document relatedness, a methodological framework often referred to as science mapping. For the systematic exploration of the “values in sport” discourse at many levels of the publication output we apply state-of-the art methods from bibliometric science mapping and network analysis.
  • Outcomes and outputs:
    Science mapping results are rendered into an on-line interactive knowledge map with various functionalities, such as (1) quick access to the organization of the knowledge base related to the scholarly discourse on values in sport (2) effective map-based navigation in the publication set and access to relevant publications, (3) showcasing the most important contexts and knowledge claims.

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